7 Deadliest Creatures That Hunters Accidentally Stepped Too Close To! (#5 Almost Killed a Man!)

1. Cape Buffalo – The ‘Black Death’ That Charges Without Warning


Nicknamed “Black Death,” the Cape Buffalo kills more hunters than lions, leopards, or rhinos combined.

Silent stalkers: Unlike most big game, Cape Buffalos don’t flee when wounded… they hunt YOU instead.
Sneak attacks: Many hunters have shot a buffalo only to have it disappear—then suddenly charge from the bushes at full speed.
No stopping them: With 2,000 pounds of muscle and horns sharp enough to pierce a truck door, a single charge is often fatal.

One hunter shot a buffalo, thinking it was a clean kill. Seconds later, it came out of nowhere, crushing him under its weight. He survived… but his leg was shattered beyond repair.

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