7 Deadliest Creatures That Hunters Accidentally Stepped Too Close To! (#5 Almost Killed a Man!)

5. Inland Taipan – The Snake That Can Kill 100 Men With One Bite


Most snakes bite as a warning. The Inland Taipan doesn’t need warnings.

Most venomous snake on Earth: Its venom is 50 times more toxic than a cobra’s—one bite can kill in under 30 minutes.
Blinding speed: It doesn’t just bite once—it strikes multiple times in seconds, injecting lethal venom with every hit.
Extremely aggressive: Unlike other snakes, it doesn’t slither away—it attacks immediately.

One hunter in the Outback made the mistake of stepping on what he thought was a stick. It wasn’t. The snake bit him twice before he could even react. He barely survived after being airlifted to a hospital.

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