Can Coyotes harm Humans? [Facts]

Many see coyotes around their homes. Some fear these wild animals. People wonder – can coyotes hurt humans? Do they attack people? The answer is complex. Rarely Aggressive Coyotes are rarely aggressive towards humans. They generally fear people and avoid interactions. Coyotes may attack pets or small livestock. But healthy coyotes don’t usually see humans … Read more

Best Time to hunt Coyotes in the Winter

The Best Times to Hunt Coyotes in Winter Hunting coyotes is popular in the winter. Their fur is thickest then. Many hunters want to know when are the best times to hunt them. Read on to learn about the prime times to hunt coyotes in winter months. Early Morning Early morning hours are excellent to … Read more

Can Coyotes Jump Fences? [Amazing Capabilities]

Have you ever looked at your backyard fence and wondered if it could keep out a coyote? With the growing number of coyote sightings in suburban areas, this is a valid concern for many homeowners. In this article, we will explore the question of whether coyotes can jump fences and provide important information for you … Read more

Wisconsin Coyote Hunting [Rules & Regulations 2023-2024]

Coyote Hunting in Wisconsin

Wondering how to start your coyote hunting quest in Wisconsin? Well! Understanding the rules and regulations is a great start. Wisconsin offers some of the most liberal seasons and bag limits in the nation when it comes to hunting coyotes. Many hunters consider Wisconsin a coyote hunting paradise thanks to millions of acres of public … Read more

Coyote Hunting in Mississippi [Rules & Regulations 2023-2024]

Coyote Hunting in Mississippi

Wondering how to start your coyote hunting quest in Mississippi? Well! Understanding the rules and regulations is a great start. Mississippi offers some of the most liberal seasons and bag limits in the nation when it comes to hunting coyotes. Many hunters consider Mississippi a coyote hunting paradise thanks to millions of acres of public … Read more