Deer Hunting in Illinois

Deer hunting is a popular pastime in Illinois. According to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, over 500,000 people participate in deer hunting each year in Illinois. That’s a lot of people! If you’re thinking about deer hunting in Illinois, there are a few things you should know. In this blog post, we will go over the basics of deer hunting in Illinois, including seasons, bag limits, and more. Read on to learn everything you need to know about deer hunting in Illinois.

Deer Hunting Laws in Illinois

The Illinois deer hunting laws are designed to ensure a safe and enjoyable hunting experience for all hunters. All hunters must have a valid hunting license and follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

The main deer hunting season in Illinois runs from the first Friday in November through the first Sunday in January. During this time, hunters are allowed to take either one antlered deer or two antlerless deer per permit. An additional late-season hunt is held from mid-January through mid-February for antlerless deer only.

There are several areas of the state where deer hunting is not permitted, including Cook County and most of the collar counties around Chicago. In these areas, alternative methods of taking deer, such as archery or muzzleloader, may be used.

Hunters must also be aware of baiting restrictions when hunting deer in Illinois. The use of bait is prohibited within 150 yards of any road or trail, and baited areas may not exceed 10 acres. Bait may not be placed out more than 14 days prior to the start of hunting season.

Do you need a license to hunt deer in Illinois?

In order to hunt deer in Illinois, you must have a valid hunting license. You can purchase a hunting license from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (DNR) website or from a licensed vendor. A hunting license allows you to legally hunt deer during the stated season in the county where the license was purchased.

If you are a resident of Illinois, you must have a valid Illinois driver’s license or ID card to purchase a hunting license. If you are a non-resident, you must have a valid driver’s license or ID from your home state. You will also need to provide your social security number when purchasing a hunting license.

If you are under the age of 18, you can still hunt deer in Illinois as long as you have completed an approved hunter safety course and have a mentored hunting authorization form signed by a parent or guardian. You can find more information on the DNR website about how to get started with hunting in Illinois.

Deer Hunting Seasons in Illinois

In Illinois, the deer hunting season runs from October 1st through January 31st. The early season is from October 1st through November 20th, while the late season is from December 1st through January 31st. There are also different seasons for different parts of the state. In Northern Illinois, the deer hunting season runs from October 1st through January 14th. In Central Illinois, the deer hunting season runs from October 15th through January 15th. In Southern Illinois, the deer hunting season runs from October 31st through January 20th.

The different seasons allow hunters to target different types of deer. During the early season, hunters can target bucks that are in their velvet antler stage. Velvet antlers are covered in a soft, velvety tissue that helps them grow new antlers. Bucks shed their velvet antlers in late November or early December. During the late season, hunters can target bucks that are in their hard antler stage. Hard antlers are made of bone and are covered in a tough outer layer of keratin. Bucks shed their hard antlers in late December or early January.

Each year, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources sets a bag limit for deer hunting. The bag limit is the maximum number of deer that a hunter can kill during the entire hunting season. For example, in 2019, the bag limit was two deer per hunter for Northern Illinois and four deer per hunter for Southern Illinois.

Can you hunt deer at night in Illinois?

In Illinois, it is illegal to hunt deer at night. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if you are hunting on private property with the owner’s permission, you may be able to hunt deer at night. Additionally, if you are participating in a sanctioned deer hunting tournament, you may also be able to hunt deer at night.

Bag limits for hunting deer in Illinois

In Illinois, the bag limit for deer hunting is two deer per hunter, per season. This limit applies to both whitetail and mule deer. There are some exceptions to this limit, however. If a hunter is quota-exempt or is participating in a special CWD hunt, they may be able to take more than two deer. For more information on these exceptions, please see the Illinois Department of Natural Resources website.

If you’re planning on hunting deer in Illinois, be sure to familiarize yourself with the bag limits. Two deer per hunter is the general limit, but there are some circumstances under which you may be able to take more. Be sure to check with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for complete details.

Legal ways to hunt deer in Illinois

In Illinois, deer hunting is regulated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). The IDNR sets the dates and conditions for deer hunting seasons, and issues licenses to hunters. Hunting without a license is illegal and can result in fines or jail time.

The IDNR also regulates the methods that can be used to hunt deer. For example, it is illegal to use bait to attract deer in Illinois. Baiting includes placing food or other attractants on the ground to lure deer into an area where they can be more easily killed. Using dogs to chase deer is also illegal in Illinois.

Deer hunting with firearms is allowed in Illinois, but there are some restrictions. For example, it is illegal to shoot a deer from a moving vehicle. It is also illegal to use certain types of firearms, such as fully automatic weapons or those that have been modified to fire more than one shot per trigger pull.

Bowhunting is a popular method of deer hunting in Illinois. Archery equipment must meet certain specifications set by the IDNR, such as minimum draw weight and arrow length. Crossbows are legal for all hunters in Illinois regardless of age or physical ability.

Hunters must follow all state and federal laws when hunting deer in Illinois. Violating these laws can result in fines or jail time.

Can you use dogs to hunt deer in Illinois?

In Illinois, it is legal to use dogs to hunt deer. However, there are some regulations that must be followed in order to do so. For example, dogs must be under the direct supervision of the hunter at all times. In addition, only certain types of dogs are allowed for deer hunting. These include hounds, terriers, and Labrador retrievers.

Dogs can be a great asset when hunting deer. They can help to track and flush out deer that may be hiding in thick brush. When used properly, they can make deer hunting more efficient and successful.

Can you hunt deer from a vehicle in Illinois?

It is illegal to shoot from a vehicle on a public roadway in Illinois. You also cannot hunt deer from a vehicle on private property unless you have the landowners permission.

Final Thoughts

Hunting deer in Illinois can be a great experience, but it’s important to be prepared and know what you’re doing. Here are some final thoughts to keep in mind:

-Have a plan and stick to it. Know where you’re going to hunt and what you’re going to do once you’re there.

-Be patient. Don’t expect to see a deer right away. Sometimes it takes hours of waiting before you finally get a shot.

-Be safe. Always follow the safety rules and regulations, both for your own sake and for the sake of others around you.

With these things in mind, you should be able to have a successful deer hunting trip in Illinois. Just remember to be prepared, be patient, and be safe, and you’ll be sure to have a good time.

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